Journal of Commerce and Trade : Announcements <p><strong>Overview</strong><br />Journal of Commerce and Trade was established in the year 2005 to promote complex phenomena through publication of new, bona-fide, genuine and contemporary research papers, articles, case studies and discussions in the field of commerce, economics, law, management and trade. It is popular by the name JCT. Book reviews and biographies of the legends in above fields are also given place in the JCT. Therefore, Society for Advanced Management Studies was framed and registered under the Societies' Act of Uttar Pradesh to run the journal as a not-for-profit activity. Later on, Registrar of News Papers for India was approached to get RNI no. for the Journal. Soon after, International Subscriber Serial Number was applied and received. Journal always valued publication ethics and academic integrity. JCT is among the nation's most respected scholarly journals. It is an International Double-Blind-Reviewed (Peer Reviewed/ Refereed) and Indexed Bi-Annual journal. In the yesteryears, Global Foundation for Research and Academic Development associated with the Journal.</p> <p><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Vision<br /></strong>To become an approachable, exclusive and prestigious international platform offering the authors’ academic support including a multilayered review process to help Authors to prepare, and publish their research papers in JCT through an insightful partnership with researchers and research organization in the ICT driven world.<a id="mission"></a></span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Mission<br /></strong>Publication of the highest quality research works and delivery of this research with greatest impact to the widest possible audience through fair publication and ethical policies.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Ideology of Journal of Commerce and Trade<br /></strong>The basic policy of Journal of Commerce and Trade is to publish Double Blind Peer Reviewed, Plagiarism free, DOI enabled and Archived research papers based on COPE ehical policies and <a href="">DORA</a> declaration. It is <em><a href="">OPEN ACCESS</a>.<br /></em></span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Chief Editor <br /></strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Professor Himanshu Agarwal</a> (D. Litt.)<br />Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, D. N. College, Meerut, UP, India</span></p> en-US Sat, 22 Jan 2022 10:07:52 +0000 OJS 60