A Survey of Different Types of Material, Technologies and Human Force Used in Construction of Multi-Storey Buildings


  • Dr. P. K. Garg Head, Department of Commerce, M M Modi College, Modinagar, UP
  • Richa Agarwal Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, M. M. College, Meerut




Materials, Technology, Humar Force, Construction, Multi-Storey Buildings


The construction of multi-storey buildings is not an easy task. It requires different types of materials, latest construction technologies, planners, designers, civil engineers, and skilled and unskilled labour force. In brief all the constituents can be divided into three parts i.e. Building portion; Internal Water supply and Sanitary Supply portion; and Internal Electrical Services. Building portion includes Plan, Design and Elevation; Land; Material; Labour; Shuttering; Tools & Plants; and Time element. Internal Water and Sanitary Services and Electrical Services require Fitting Materials and fitters and helpers. If all types of materials are of good quality and the human resource is well experienced and dedicated to their work; undoubtedly a multi-storey building will come out of outstanding quality and utilization of land will be in so efficient manner which will prove useful and convenient to the users of it.
Classification-JEL : D 13, J 24, R 21, R 32


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How to Cite

Garg, P. K., & Agarwal, R. (2019). A Survey of Different Types of Material, Technologies and Human Force Used in Construction of Multi-Storey Buildings. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 14(1), 12–18. https://doi.org/10.26703/jct.v14i1.91



Research Paper