Author Guidelines


Authors have to submit unpublished manuscripts as per the aim and scope of the journal and other policies of the journal mentioned at the website. Authors are requested to ensure the minute exploration of all policies of the journal mentioned on this website. All the manuscripts have to be submitted through submissions under author head of the Website. We suggest that you sould take a print of this Author Guidelines so that you can refer it at the time of preparing and submitting your manuscript online on the website. Papers are published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 

Concept of Manuscript

Research Paper: Research paper is a piece of writing wherein the writer evaluates and compiles research data through various research tools. The information is restructred to provide an unique viewpoint with supporing evidence and back up analysis.
Article: Article is a written composition to inform the readers about a certain topic. The aim of article is to describe a topic not to persuade the readers towards accepting this views.
Essay: Essay is a short writing with detail in viewpoint and less information. It does not necessarily require a comprehensive understanding of a particular topic.

Preparing the Manuscript

Typeset of the Manuscript 

File Type
MS-Word is Preferred. All the Manuscript must be in strict accordance to the JCT Template. 
Language: US English Language
Spelling: Concise Oxford Dictionary  
Space: Single 
Page Size: A4
Font: Calibri size 12
Number: 1 to 10 in numeral/ more than 10 in words
Percent Mark: No ‘%’ mark. Use ‘percent’ or ‘percentage
Appearance: Typed approximately of the appearance of printed tables.
Location: Absolute at positions in text
Numbering of Tables: 1, 2…so on as 'Table 1'
Caption: Required below the table number
Source: Source should be presented just below the table
Unit of Measurement: Required if applicable
Type: .jpg/.png/
Appearance: Typed or image (300 Ppi)
Location: Absolute at positions in text
Numbering of Figures: 1, 2…so on as 'Figure 1'
Caption: Required below the Figure number
Source: Required just below the Figure
Unit of Mesearurement: Required if applicable
Location: Absolute at positions in text
Format: 'Excel' or 'Maths Type'

Body of the Manuscript 

There must be a genuine, non-confusing, contemporary and representative title of the study. It must not be too long.
It must be a summary of the whole work. It must not be more than 250 words. It must be Italic in calibri font size 10.
Key Words
Keywords are the words that bring your work in searches. This way, keywords must be USP of your work. More than 5 keywords are not allowed.
Classification-JEL Codes
Classification-JEL are the codes that classify your work in different heads. You have to mention Classification-JEL under Key Words in your manuscript. You can search Classification-JEL on Classification-JEL Code Guide
Article Text
It is well known that you must have article text for your paper. Your article text must be divided into numbered headings and sub headings ( as '1. Introduction' and so on for main headings and 1.1 xxxx and so on for subheadings.). Article text must have delatied Methodology, Review of Literature and conclusion. 
Citation and References
Place the references at the end of the manuscript. The list should also mention the cited work in the text. We prefer APA style of citation and referencing. You can take the help of Mendeley. Authors name should be same as in the original source. For more than one publication by the same author, list them in chronological order, with the older item first. For more than one publication in one year by the same author, use small lower-case letters to distinguish them (e.g., 1980a, 1980b). Following are some examples: Books- Srivastava, S.K. (1990) Managerial Economics, New Delhi, S. Chand & Co. Ph.D. Thesis- Agarwal, R. K. (2000) “Problems of Small-Scale Industries in India”, Ph. D. Thesis, Meerut University, Meerut. Journal- Narayanan, Rajaram (Oct 2001) “Dilemma of Management Leadership”, Journal of Commerce and Trade, pp. 25-26. MS word may be used for citation or referencing.

Submitting the Manuscript                            

Journal of Commerce and Trade has a web based online submission facility. You have to create an account or login to your existing account to submit manuscript. The website offers you three basic portals to login- JCT id, Orcid id and Google id. You can login using anyone of the ids. If you don't have any existing accounts, you can create it through our website and submit your paper. Creating account and submitting a paper is free of cost. Before submitting the Manuscript, we suggest you to go through our Privacy Policy.

Information Required Regarding Submission
You need to submit following data during submission in separate tabs available on the screen-
1. Title (if any)
2. Abstract (not more than 250 words)
3. Key Words (not exceeding 5 in number)
4. Language (type english or en_us in the tab)
5. References (proper styled and sequenced A-Z)
6. Authors Details (name, affiliation, email, country, orcid id); brief biography of author can also be input in the tab.
7. Article text (without author names and affilitations) as per the requirement    mentioned earlier

Article Text
As we conduct double blind peer review, there should not be Authors' details in the article text. Therefore, you should submit article text in a doc file and author details in another separate doc file.

Orcid Id
ORCID provides a unique and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes authors from every other author, even those who share the same name, and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between authors and their professional activities, ensuring that their work is recognized. We encourage all authors and co-authors to link their ORCIDs to their accounts in our online peer review platforms.
It takes seconds to do:
click the link on your email you received,
sign in your ORCID account and
our website will automatically update.
We collect ORCID iDs during the manuscript submission process and your ORCID iD then becomes part of your accepted publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. Your ORCID iD is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.
If you do not have an ORCID iD please follow this link to create one or visit our Register/Login Window.

Peer Review Policy

Please click here to read our Peer Review Policy.

Plagiarism & AI Policy 

Please click here to read our Peer Review Policy.

Copyright & Originality Statement

Please click here to read our Peer Review Policy.

Online Publication & DOI

Your article will be published online before it comes in print copy. DOI number is alloted as soon as it has completed the production process.

Author Self Archiving & Promotion Policy

Publication is not the end of the process. You can help disseminate your paper and ensure it is as widely read and cited as possible. We add multiple resources to disseminate your paper via different social and academic arena to help you promote your work.
The Journal permits and encourages authors to post items submitted to the journal on personal websites or institutional repositories both prior to and after publication, while providing bibliographic details that credit, if aplicable in this journal.


In case of any query,
message or email to Chief Editor.
Updated: 15 February, 2025


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Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.