Peer Review Process
What is a Peer Review?
The terms Peer-Review, Double-Blind Review, Refereed or Scholarly Journal bear the same meaning. It is the evaluation of the submitted scientific work by one or more of similar competence to the author of the work. These methods are applied to maintain standards of quality (Manuscript likely to be scientifically valid and reach reasonable conclusions), ethics, improve performance and to adapt the manuscript for publication. Peer Review may be of several types:
Open Peer Review: Authors and Reviewers are open to each other to give transparency.
Single Blind Peer Review: Reviewers are hidden from Authors
Double Blind Peer Review: Both the Reviewers and Authors are hidden from each other.
Triple Blind Peer Review: Authors identity is hidden from both the Editor and Reviewers.
Peer Reviews are seldomly criticized for breach of integrity and confidentiality. Many researchers take it as insult to their knowledge. But, the majority of researchers, the World over, highly believe in peer review. Peer Review processes not only controls the scientific communication but also it helps to enrich the content of the submitted manuscript.
Journal of Commerce and Trade follows the policy of ‘Double-Blind Peer Review’ since its inception. Wherein the reviewers do not know about the authors of the submitted manuscript, so that the manuscript succeeds or fails on its own merit, not the reputation of the reviewer or author. Double Blind Peer Review is recommended to ensure the integrity of paper, author and Reviewers. Double Blind Peer Review cannot be skipped in any case at Journal of Commerce and Trade. Manuscript submitted by the Author must meet Author Guidelines and Publication Ethics. All reviewers have to follow the Journal's Review Guidelines.
The Peer Review Process
Initial Screening
When a manuscript is submitted on the website, assigned editor screens the manuscript and decides about its worth to publish and checks its plagiarism. If the manuscript does not have required qualification for the Journal, it is rejected at initial stage. The main points for screening are:
- The manuscript must fit the Journal of Commerce and Trade vision and mission and publication ethics.
- The manuscript must be based upon general paper writing quality (includes innovative topic, valid abstract, proper cited and sourced, and referenced)
- The manuscript must be prepared in accordance with the instructions to the authors.
- The Journal Editor checks the plagiarism of the submitted manuscript.
Assigning Double Blind Peer Reviewers
Once a manuscript clears the initial screening and plagiarism stage, it is sent for anonymous Double Blind Peer Review. Journal of Commerce and Trade has an extensive list of peer reviewers who have a good track record of producing high-quality and timely reviews. Peer review process is fully machine and web-based activity in JCT. Generally, a minimum of 2 blind peer reviewers (up to 4) are assigned for the peer review as per the subject area of the manuscript submitted. Assigned reviewers are first, asked their willingness to review the manuscript. After, their acceptance the manuscript is shared through web portal. Peer reviewers are suggested basics, dos and don'ts for making a justified and transparent Peer Review. Peer Reviewers have to submit their review through Review Form available to them through web portal.
The peer review is complete when all the assigned reviewers submit the detailed report with their comments and recommendations. Journal of Commerce and Trade asks reviewers to complete their reviews within 2 weeks.
Recommendation of the Reviewer
Recommendation of the Reviewer has value. Reviewer should study keenly the Reviewer Guidelines before feeling free to Review and Filling up Review Form. The key parameters to be applied in the final evaluation of all types of submission are:
- Innovation (Is the submitted manuscript original? Does it provide new evidence or ideas capable of furthering knowledge in the given social economic context?)
- Quality (clarity, logic, language, layout, pictures, diagrams, graphs and content etc.)
- Relevance
Reviewer's recommendation at the end of the form is mandatory to mark as below:
- Accept Submission: The paper is approved and will be published in its original form.
- Revisions Required: The paper is approved subject to minor corrections and modifications mentioned in the peer-review. It needs not another round of peer review.
- Resubmit for Review: The paper has major flaws and technical disputes. The author/s have to revise it as per suggested in the peer reviews and resubmit it for another round of peer review.
- Resubmit Elsewhere: The paper does not fit according to the Journal specific guidelines and cannot be approved for publication in Journal of Commerce and Trade.
- Decline Submission: The paper will not be published even if the authors make major revisions.
Final Decision
The editors will weigh all views and may call for another opinion or ask the author for a revised paper before making a decision. Editors may also ask the author to submit other relevant evidences if require in relation to the submitted manuscript. Accepting and Rejecting Decisions are purely vests in Editor. The corresponding author will recieve an email about the final decision. The aritcle is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Commitment to the Reviewers
Once you have delivered your review, we take the opportunity to thank you sincerely on behalf of the journal, editors and author(s) for the time you have taken to give your valuable input to the manuscript.
Rejected revisions are returned back to the authors.
In case of any query, message or email to Chief Editor.
Updated: 15 February, 2025
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