A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Accounting Research





Green Accounting, Sustainability, Environmental Impact


The issue of environmental protection has gained momentum in recent times. Climate change has left no one untouched, and economies across the globe are debating on ways of environmental protection. Sustainable growth has become the buzzword- including using energy-efficient sources of production and paying attention to the environment and human capital. In light of this, green or environmental accounting is significant, as this can make companies more conscious about the impact of their working on the environment, and also has the potential of motivating them to contribute towards environmental protection. The present paper attempts to find out how much research has happened in the green accounting field. Using Biblioshiny, articles published in SCOPUS from 1976 onwards were studied. The trend of publications, in terms of countries where maximum research has happened, journals publishing the maximum number of papers on green accounting, author details, impact factor, and citations were assessed. The authors concluded that a lot more work needs to be done in this area, as research in developing nations is quite low. The critical importance of green accounting needs to be reflected in the quality and quantity of research.
Classification-JEL: M14, M41, M48, Q01


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How to Cite

Nidhi, & Anand, A. (2022). A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Accounting Research. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 17(1), 76–84. https://doi.org/10.26703/JCT.v17i1-13



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