Software Metrics: Calculation and Optimization of Thresholds


  • Abhishek Kumar Maheswari Faculty of Computer Science, Venkteshwara Group of Institutions, Meerut



Optimization, Software Metrics


In this article, we present a algorithmic method for the calculation of thresholds (the starting point for a new state) for a software metric set. To this aim, machine learning and data mining techniques are utilized. We define a data-driven methodology that can be used for efficiency optimization of existing metric sets, for the simplification of complex classification models, and for the calculation of thresholds for a metric set in an environment where no metric set yet exists. The methodology is independent of the metric set and therefore also independent of any language, paradigm or abstraction level. In four case studies performed on large-scale open-source software metric sets for C functions, C+ +, C# methods and Java classes are optimized and the methodology is validated.


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How to Cite

Maheswari, A. K. (2011). Software Metrics: Calculation and Optimization of Thresholds. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 6(2), 11–26.



Research Paper