The New Economy - E-Business


  • Dr. Rajesh Kesari Associate Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, Nehru Gram Bharati University, Allahabad
  • Vivek Kumar Mishra Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Nehru Gram Bharati University, Allahabad



E-Business, Digital Business, IBM


Digital business is causing an upheaval that is shaking the foundations of traditional business. More and more companies recognize the opportunity the internet offers and start to establish an online presence with a sound business model behind it. Increased revenues and additional customers who return voluntarily to the company are drivers that bring more and more companies to digitize their offerings. Through the Internet it is possible to invent new and innovative ways to add value to existing products and services without necessarily spending a lot of money. Electronic business is a super set of business cases, which have been digitized and work now on the Internet. An e-business category is defined by the business case and not by the technology used to implement it. Over time more and more type of business will be converted to a digital form, even though it may seem impossible today. Technology is moving fast to make things possible tomorrow, which seemed impossible today.


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Information Technology and E-commerce- Prof. N.P. Agarwal- Raj Publishing House, Jaipur.

Principals of International Marketing- Ward Hanson- South Western College Publishing.

Information Technology in enabled customer relationship- Deepali Singh- JIMS8M. Jan March, 2001.

Information Technology- Prahlad Sharma- Panchshil Prakashan Jaipur.

E-business- A monthly E-Business digest (May 2001).

IT E-Commerce and E-Business- V.D. Dudlya, Commonwealth.




How to Cite

Kesari, R., & Mishra, V. K. (2012). The New Economy - E-Business. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 7(2), 102–105.



Research Paper