A Study of Recruitment & Selection of Employees in Public Sector Enterprises of India


  • Dr. Arvind Kumar Yadav Head, Faculty of Commerce, KMGG (PG) College, Badalpur, G. B. Nagar, U.P.
  • Sanjeev Kumar Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce, KMGG (PG) College, Badalpur, G. B. Nagar, U.P




Recruitment, Selection, Employee Issues, Public Sector Enterprises, India


Recruitment and selection are two important functions of human resource management. Technically speaking the function of recruitment precedes the selection function. It includes finding, developing prospective employees and attracting them to apply for jobs in an organization. Selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to the job. Successful recruitment and selection practices are key components at the entry point of human resources in any organization .Efficient recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. An organizational system is a function of the size of an enterprise. In smaller enterprises, there may be merely informal recruiting procedures and the line official may be responsible to handle this function along with his usual responsibilities. On the other hand, in the larger organizations, there is usually a staff unit attached with personnel or an industrial relations department designated as employment or recruitment office. This specialization of recruitment enables staff personnel to become highly skilled in recruitment techniques and their evaluation. However, recruitment remains the line responsibility as for as the personnel requisition forms are originated by the line personnel, who have also the final word in the acceptance or rejection of a particular applicant. In this research paper researcher highlighted sources of recruitment, placement process and placement polices of public sector enterprises.


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How to Cite

Yadav, A. K., & Kumar, S. (2014). A Study of Recruitment & Selection of Employees in Public Sector Enterprises of India. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 9(2), 39–43. https://doi.org/10.26703/jct.v9i2.257



Research Paper