Performance Appraisal of Mutual Funds Operating in India
Mutual Funds, India, Performance AppraisalAbstract
Mutual funds provide a mechanism to invest in the stock market without knowing the complexities of stock market. It provides the best option to the investors who have no knowledge of the stock market. It is just the connecting bridge that allows a group of investors to pool their money together with a predetermined investment objective. Over the past decade, mutual funds have increasingly become the investor’s vehicle of choice for long-term investment. It becomes pertinent to study the performance of the mutual fund. The relation between risk-return determines the performance of a mutual fund scheme. As risk is commensurate with return, therefore, providing maximum return on the investment made within the acceptable associated risk level helps in segregating the better performers from the laggards. Many asset management companies are working in India, so it is necessary to study the performance of it which may be useful for the investors to select the right mutual fund. Therefore, the author has taken the performance of mutual fund as the main thrust area for the present research entitled, “Performance Appraisal of Mutual Funds Operating in India.” Secondary data is taken as a basis of analysis in this research. Top five asset management companies is selected as per AUM as on 30th September 2014. Thus, it can be said that of all 5 sample companies, HDFC Equity Fund is the best performer and give positive results.
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