Employee Welfare Measures with Special Reference to National Thermal Power Corporation


  • S. Narender Reserarch Scholar, Department of Commerce and Business Management, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana State, India
  • Gopikrishna Abbaraboina Assistant Professor, V. R. College of Management and Information Technology, Battupally, Hanamkonda, Warangal, Telangana State, India




Employee Welfare, NTPC


To know that whether welfare facilities play an important role on the working of employees, And to know hence the employees are dissatisfied welfare facilities will help them to get motivated. Employees play an important role in the industrial production of the country. Hence, organizations have to secure the cooperation of employees in order to increase the production and to earn higher profits. The cooperation of employees is possible only when they are fully satisfied with their employer and the working conditions on the job. In the past, industrialists and the employers believed that their only duty towards their employees was to pay them satisfactory wages and salaries. Therefore, this study focuses on employee welfare measures in NTPC, Ramagundam.


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Usha Tiwari 2014) A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE WELFARE FACILITIES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES EFFICIENCY AT VINDHA TELELINKS LTD. REWA (M.P.) INDIA, Abhinav International Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Management & Technology, Volume 3, Issue 11,pp-1-10,Online ISSN-2320-0073




How to Cite

Narender, S., & Abbaraboina, G. (2015). Employee Welfare Measures with Special Reference to National Thermal Power Corporation. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 10(2), 68–77. https://doi.org/10.26703/jct.v10i2.247



Research Paper