Implication of Efficient Market Hypothesis for Investment Decisions


  • Dr. Monika Garg Teacher’s Colony, Bulandshahr



Market, Investment Decisions, Capital Market


The productive mart theory is worried about the conduct of costs in resource mart. The term 'PROFICIENT MART' was at first connected to the share trading system, yet the idea was soon summed up to other resource markets. The efficient market speculation expresses that advantage costs in money related markets ought to mirror all accessible data; as an outcome, costs ought to dependably be steady with 'essentials'. In this paper, an endeavor has been made to break down the basic survey of hypothesis of Efficient Market Hypothesis and its suggestions for venture choice. The present examination is totally in view of the accessibility and use of optional information and writing. The examination made utilization of different articles distributed in Journals and Newspapers of national notoriety. Some rumored handbooks related with back are additionally be utilized. Our point is to talk about the primary thoughts behind the speculation, and to give a guide as to which of its forecasts appear to be borne out by exact proof, and which don't. In looking at the observational proof, we focus on the stock and remote trade markets, however a significant part of the talk is important to other resource markets, for example, the security and subsidiaries markets.
JEL Classification : G 11, L 22, M 31.


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How to Cite

Garg, M. (2017). Implication of Efficient Market Hypothesis for Investment Decisions. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 12(2), 135–141.



Research Paper