FDI and Indian Stock Market : An Outlook Ahead


  • Dr. E. N. Singh Lecturer in Commerce, D.M. College of Commerce, Imphal
  • Prof. G. P. Prasain Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, Manipur University, Imphal


FDI, Indian Stock Market, Shares, Foreign Institutional Investors


This paper provides a comprehensive review of the issues relating to FDI and Indian stock markets in the globalized era. It then tries to analyze the major policy issues arising out of the various concerns. Finally, it puts forward some policy recommendations for attracting FDI in India.


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How to Cite

Singh, E. N., & Prasain, G. P. (2008). FDI and Indian Stock Market : An Outlook Ahead. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 3(1), 99–102. Retrieved from https://jctindia.org/index.php/jct/article/view/a08-ensgpp



Research Paper