Short-term Credit and Rice Productivity in Orissa (An Investigative Study at District Level)


  • Bhagaban Das Department of Business Management, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Orissa, India
  • Rabindra Kumar Mishra Department of Economics, Sohela College, Bargarh, Orrisa.
  • Atulya Bhoi Departement of Commerce, Dr. S. R. K. Government Arts College, Pondicherry Univesity, Yanam, India



Rice Productivity, Short Term Credit, Roissa, Farmars


Credit is considered as a critical input that affects agricultural productivity. Due to the lack of economic power and of educational background, the small and marginal farmers in Orissa (India) are unable to adopt the new technologies to increase the agricultural productivity, more specifically the productivity of rice. This is because the state looks rural credit from the supply side. In this paper, an attempt was made to study the impact of institutional short-term credit on productivity of rice in Bargarh district of Orissa by taking 454 samples from three different blocks. It is found that the availability of and accessibility to institutional short term credit has a positive impact on the use of modern technology and other inputs to improve the rice productivity.


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How to Cite

Das, B., Mishra, R. K., & Bhoi, A. (2010). Short-term Credit and Rice Productivity in Orissa (An Investigative Study at District Level). Journal of Commerce and Trade, 5(1), 70–76.



Research Paper