A Study on The Factors Those Lead to Increase the Usage of Smartphones in Online Shopping


  • Puneet Kumar Ph. D. Research Scholar, CCS University, Meerut
  • Dr. Sanjay Kumar Bansal Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, NREC College, Khurja, UP




E-Commerce, M-Commerce, Online Shopping


E-commerce practices have expanded its uses into the quickly evolving mobile phone industry as M-commerce. This means that people can purchase, browse, and sell products over the mobile phone. M-commerce is a fairly new term referring to “any transaction with a money value that conducted with mobile telecommunications network”. Companies of e-commerce focused on features of mobile shopping, like smaller screens, touch interfaces, limited data volume, etc. in order to target potential customers, who are limited by mobile access. Customers and companies can choose between various payment options which use mobile commerce, like stored-value cards, credit cards, premium rate telephone numbers, and charges added to customer's phone bill. By selecting the right payment method, different sets of customers can be targeted, including the ones who have no banking accounts. The smartphone will become increasingly important as a digital wallet in the future. M-Commerce is the action of selling and buying products, ordering or booking a service and/or transferring money via mobile phone or mobile Internet and helps in online shopping. Besides, mobile commerce allows its users to shop or pay at their discretion, regardless of time and geographical location. Thus, mobile users only need to install mobile applications that can access to numerous services, such as mobile banking, shopping, or communicating, and so on.


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How to Cite

Kumar, P., & Bansal, S. K. (2021). A Study on The Factors Those Lead to Increase the Usage of Smartphones in Online Shopping. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 16(1), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.26703/jct.v16i1.39



Research Paper