Adoption and Use of Mobile Banking in India (An Empirical Study of Banking Transformation)


  • Rimpi Kaur Research Scholar, Punjabi University, Patiala



Mobile Banking, India, Banking Transformation, WAP, SMS


In the advent of information technology, Indian banking sector is transforming in its structure, work culture, systems and procedure. Different technological advancements have changed the face of banking business where electronic system, in terms of different e-channels draw banker and customer attention to experience innovative services. Among these, mobile banking is almost untouched area in Indian banking context. Present study is an attempt to analyze the adoption and usage of mobile banking service among Indian banking customers as well as banks. The paper concludes that mobile banking services are at its infancy where a lot of efforts are required to further develop this technology in Indian banking sector. Customers do not prefer mobiles for banking services due to high charges, slow data transmission and insecurity. The paper suggests improving the technology and spreading awareness among the masses.


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How to Cite

Kaur, R. (2010). Adoption and Use of Mobile Banking in India (An Empirical Study of Banking Transformation). Journal of Commerce and Trade, 5(1), 77–85.



Research Paper