Customer Perception towards E-Delivery Channels and Future of E-Delivery Channels in India


  • Dr. R. K. Uppal Principal Investigator, UGC Sponsored MRP, DAV College, Malout (Punjab)



Customer Perception, E-Delivery, E-Delivery Channels, India


An analysis of technology and its uses show that it has permeated in almost every aspect of our life. According to Tero et. al. (2004) many activities are handled electronically due the acceptance of information technology at home as well as at workplace. According to Heikki et. al. (2002), the transformation from the traditional banking towards e-banking has been a ‘leap’ change. During the pre-LPG (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization) era, Indian banking system was a monopoly of the Government and banks performed all their functions manually with little support from computers. As their services were labour intensive, banks had to bear heavy establishment costs which limited the growth of banking in terms of profitability and productivity. But with the dawn of economic Liberalization in 1991 and with the wave of LPG, In 1993-94, the RBI allowed the entry of private and foreign banks into the banking Industry, leading to greater competition and enhanced performance with the aid of technology advancements.


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How to Cite

Uppal, R. K. (2010). Customer Perception towards E-Delivery Channels and Future of E-Delivery Channels in India. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 5(1), 121–130.



Research Paper