Impact of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value (A Panel Data Analysis of Indian IT Firms)
Intellectual Capital, Firm Value, Panel Data Analysis, Indian IT Firms, ITAbstract
This paper throws insight into prior studies carried out in the area related to impact of Human Capital on organisational performance and outcomes as it is the central theme of study being carried out. Human capital of a firm may be viewed as consisting of highly skilled, creative, motivated, collaborative and knowledgeable people who understand the dynamic business environmental context, and the competitive logic of their enterprise; and the critical requirements thereof. They understand and realize their own broad role and responsibility for the vision, values, and competitive viability of their organization. For this purpose, they continually learn, develop, share, integrate and use their knowledge both individually and collaboratively to cultivate enterprise competencies/capabilities, innovation, expertise, and speedy business processes in a proactive manner. They are focused on the success of their enterprise in facing the challenges of both today and tomorrow.For this study we include human capital is included as a component of intellectual capital on the basis of definition given by Brooking(1996) and Roos et al(1997)
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