Impact of the Organisational Attributes on Capital Structure Efficiency


  • Shweta Sharma Atre C C S University, Meerut
  • Dr. Monika Sharma Associate Professor, M.M.H. College, Ghaziabad



Capital Structure, Leverage, Corporate Performance


Deciding the capital structure of a firm is one of the leading challenges faced by both well established and new enterprises. Although extensive studies have been done in the past yet the studies on analyzing the impact of company attributes on the efficiency of the capital structure are limited. The current review paper analyses as to how the company attributes such as size, type, performance plays a major role in making financial decisions and improving the capital structure efficiency. This research will aid the firms in estimating their debt and equities and making decisions regarding the division of their capital structure. Furthermore, the current study will provide an understanding and new small scale firms to improve their efficiency by choosing the appropriate ration of their debt and equities.

Classification JEL- N35, H54, E63, A11


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How to Cite

Sharma Atre, S., & Sharma, M. (2020). Impact of the Organisational Attributes on Capital Structure Efficiency. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 15(1), 29–37.



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