Corporate Governance in Mutual Fund Industries (A Case Study of Selected Mutual Funds)


  • Shikha Goel Research Scholar, C. C. S. University, Meerut.



Corporate Governance, Mutual Fund, India, Financial Companies


Mutual funds are a vital component of the financial markets for mobilization of savings. Their tremendous popularity in the North American continent is well known. Mutual funds have also progressed significantly in emerging economies. Several new products have been introduced and a number of others are in the pipeline. The Indian mutual fund industry is poised for significant growth in the next years. The success of the business will lie in several factors, one of which will be the role of regulators and their efforts to evolve the code of corporate governance and best practices for the mutual fund industry. SEBI has played a vital role to mutual fund units and guided small investors. Indian economy is under going fast change in all its constituents. The markets have become highly competitive and knowledge economy requires more transparency and accountability into the mutual funds. Good corporate governance increases the confidence of investors, who are more diversified today and have different informational requirements. Corporate governance boosts the development of capital markets.” This paper reviews corporate governance in mutual funds and its impact on investor’s trust in mutual fund.


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How to Cite

Goel, S. (2010). Corporate Governance in Mutual Fund Industries (A Case Study of Selected Mutual Funds). Journal of Commerce and Trade, 5(2), 27–31.



Research Paper