Urbanization and Poverty in Manipur

Applying the Concept of PURA


  • Dr. N. Tejmani Singh Reader, Department of Commerce, Manipur University, Chanchipur
  • Th. Jitendra Singh Research Scholar


Urbanization, Poverty, Poverty Eradication, Manipur, PURA


Population of a country is its most important asset. Hence, the present study attempts to highlight the relationship between urbanization and poverty. The study is based on secondary data which have been compiled personally from economic survey statistical year book of Manipur, Primary census abstract and other related research articles published in different journal of national and international. Urbanization in Manipur is very slow which might be slower in occupational shift and it will help to increase number of poor persons. In the year 1973 - 74, number of poor persons were 5.86 lacks which rose to 7.19 lacks in 1999-2000. Poverty is closely linked with unemployment and underemployment. Urbanization could hardly absorb a little more than the natural increase in urban population. As a result, a serious dent in terms of the shift of population from rural to urban areas could not be made. To tackle this problem India president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has proposed the concept of “PURA” (providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) in the vision - 2020 project initiated by him.


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Yojana : Vol. 32 No. 1 and 2 : Jan., 26, 1988.

Yojana : Vol. 32 No. 6 April 1-15, 1988.

Kurukshetra : Vol. 46 No. 11 August, 1998.

Economic Survey of Manipur : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Govt. of Manipur.

V. Saravaman & Dr. S. Michael John Peter, Rural urban parity : Need for rural Development in India” Kurukshetra, April, 2007.

Poverty Estimates for 2004 - 05, May 2007 Kurukshetra, PP. 43-46.

Census of India 2001, Primary census abstract.




How to Cite

Singh, N. T., & Singh, J. (2007). Urbanization and Poverty in Manipur: Applying the Concept of PURA. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 2(2), 18–24. Retrieved from https://jctindia.org/index.php/jct/article/view/o07-ntsjs



Research Paper