HR Development in LIC of India (The Planning Process)


  • Dr. Preeti Rani Lecturer in Commerce, Government (PG) College, New Tehri


LIC of India, HR Development, Human Resource Development, Life Insurance, Insurance Industry


Human Resource Development’s main concern is the development of skill, abilities and knowledge. HRD is a supportive system. Which helps the line manager and personnel people becoming more effective. Before introducing the HRD as a system it is essential to create a conducive HRD climate in the organization. For an approach on HRD strategies, the services of external consultants are taken in many of the organizations. Thereafter, seminars are arranged at all management levels. Participation of union and associations is also advisable in the seminars for HRD planning. Individuals from branches and offices from different part of India of LIC can also invited for sharing their experiences pertaining to the HR Practices in the appropriate forums.


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How to Cite

Rani, P. (2008). HR Development in LIC of India (The Planning Process). Journal of Commerce and Trade, 3(2), 51–54. Retrieved from



Research Paper