Bolstering Communication Regimes Within and Across Business Organizations: Techniques and Tactics to Perpetuate a Healthy workplac Environment




Communication, Business Organization, Workplace Environment


The key to success, be it relationship or business, communication, specifically clear lines of communication, plays an important role. Getting communication right, is not only a challenge but a great struggle for most business organizations precisely due to the lack of effective interaction skills amongst those higher up in hierarchical positions. Good business communication skill which paves the road to success, growth and profiteering is still a discipline that needs greater focus and training in most business houses.  The present paper is an attempt to study the communication regimes that can instill a whiff of fresh air in a dying organization and rejuvenate renewed energy amongst the work force, motivating them to perform and transform the vision ,the mission of the organization to reality. Tactics and techniques of good business communication skills as a tool to increase value and efficiency of a business will be discussed. Focus will be on avoiding common communication mistakes and learning to identify the different types of 'noises' that tend to dilute the perfect communication between the sender and the receiver. Efforts will be made to establish the perfect chain of communication through extensive review of significantly scholarly works on business communication. The aim would be to foster a good workplace environment through development of communication skills that are elusive, effective and precise.
Classification-JEL : D80, G30


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How to Cite

Khanna, P. (2019). Bolstering Communication Regimes Within and Across Business Organizations: Techniques and Tactics to Perpetuate a Healthy workplac Environment. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 14(2), 72–77.



Research Paper