Analytical Study on Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact on Stress Management Among Woman Nurses in Healthcare Sector
Emotional Intelligence, Self Emotion, Stress Tolerance, Impulse Control, Stress ManagementAbstract
According to the World Health Organization, stress is a major concern of modern period and influences both physical as well as the mental health of individuals. Stress in the workplace can impact healthcare practitioner's physical and emotional health by limiting their productivity and adversely affecting their overall quality of life. The study is undertaken with a purpose to examine the components of Emotional Intelligence and its impact on Stress Management of Woman Nurses working in hospitals located in National Capital Region (NCR), India. The author(s) carried out a blend of both qualitative and quantitative study through a structured questionnaire. The emotional intelligence of woman nurses was assessed via the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory. A Snowball Sampling approach of Non-Probability Sampling was used. In order to analyse the data, Descriptive and Inferential statistical tools were used. Research hypotheses were reviewed using a structural equation model. The final sample size was (n=369). The findings confirm that Emotional Intelligence impacts substantially on stress reduction. The results indicate four components viz. Appraisal of Self-Emotion, Appraisal of Other's Emotion, Regulation of Emotion and Usage of Emotion contribute to Emotional Intelligence. Out of four components, Usage of Emotion strongly influences the Emotional Intelligence than other components. Emotional Intelligence impacts significantly on stress reduction. For the healthcare organisations to develop a healthy and stress free atmospheres for their employees. Findings would be instrumental and bring new insights into the emotional intelligence concept in respect of stress management of employees.
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