India's New Education Policy 2020: Its Implications, Challenges and Strategies for AI Revolution in Education System


  • Dr. Yogesh Kumar Saxena Assistant Professor, Muslim Girls' Degree College, Bulandshahr
  • Prof. (Dr.) Himanshu Agarwal Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Deva Nagri College, Meerut, UP, India



AI, India, Artificial Intelligence, New Education Policy, NEP-2020


India's New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a transformative framework that aims to reshape the country's education system. This analytical study critically examines the key features, implications, and challenges associated with the implementation and success of NEP 2020. It explores the potential impact of the policy on access to education, curriculum reforms, teacher training, assessment practices, technoinnovation in education, AI revolution in education and governance structures. The study highlights the opportunities offered by NEP 2020 and raises important considerations for effective implementation and addressing potential hurdles. The study explores the various aspects of the policy, including universalization of education, curriculum reforms, teacher training, assessment practices and governance structures. It examines its potential challenges viz. capacity building, teacher training, community engagement, monitoring and evaluation and infrastructure development for upcoming AI technology. The study aims to propose strategies and recommendations for the success of NEP 2020 in the present technology driven era. Thus, the study seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of India's New Education Policy 2020, its implications, challenges and potential strategies for AI revolution in Education System. Quality education is the dire need of Indian youth to ensure their future in the current rapidly transforming socioeconomic- techno-innovative environment of the country. 
Classification-JEL: I24, I28, O31


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Author Biography

Prof. (Dr.) Himanshu Agarwal, Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Deva Nagri College, Meerut, UP, India

Dr. HIMANSHU AGARWAL (b. 1972) is a scholar in the area of Research Management Innovations like Business Environment, Strategic Management, Leadership, Dynamic Marketing Research and Export-oriented Growth. He is the founder, promoter, publisher and Chief Editor of International Journal – Journal of Commerce and Trade ( He is also the founder of Society for Advanced Management Studies (An Academic Not for Profit and Non-Politico Organisation). Presently, He is Associate Professor in Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration at Deva Nagri College of the C.C.S. University, Meerut. He is M.Com., Ph.D., NET (UGC), DIP (Geneva) and D.Litt. He was awarded IARDO Excellence Award-2018. He is Associate Member of Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. He is associated and active role player in Various NGOs. More than 100 management and marketing projects he has guided so far. He has more than 22 years of teaching and research experience.
Dr. Agarwal is an active management researcher, writer and consultant. Dr. Agarwal’s researches concentrate on practical wisdom in business executives, leadership in the form of problem solving at all organizational levels, various types of proactive behavior by employees at all levels. He has presented more than 54 papers at international & national professional seminars on topics including environment, business ethics, managerial decision making, job stress, negotiation, employee commitment and motivation, group decision making and job satisfaction. More than 31 of his articles have appeared in professional journals of repute. He has more than 22 books at his credit. His writings have been a charm for the students in shape of Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Production and Operations Management and Business Communication.
Dr. Himanshu Agarwal is also a spiritual and motivational speaker of repute. Universities, Colleges and business houses invite him for such speaking to inchoate learning and knowing attitude in the students and employees. Dr. Agarwal has chaired as keynote speaker in various International and national seminars and conferences. Recently, He spoke on Circular Economy at Torso University, Turkey. He delivered numerous lectures on various research fields. He has been Panelist in various capacities so far. A number of Indian Universities calls him for Ph.D. and Other Participation. Professionals more than 15 countries have visited him so far. He has his own YouTube learning channel. He can be reached through


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How to Cite

Saxena, Y. K., & Agarwal, H. (2022). India’s New Education Policy 2020: Its Implications, Challenges and Strategies for AI Revolution in Education System. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 17(2), 32–37.



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