A Critical Analysis of New Education Policy 2020 And It’s Future Implications


  • Dr. P. K. Jain Head, Department of Accounts and Law, Faculty of Commerce, D. S. College, Aligarh.




School Education, New Education Policy, Higher Education, NEP 2020


It was a long time gap of 34 years for the country to get a New Education Policy 2020 on the 29th of July 2020 . It is a welcome step, which will bring about a paradigm shift India's education system and will transform it into a modern, progressive, and equitable one as well as transformational reforms in school education and higher education systems in the country. Different countries adopt different education systems by considering the tradition and culture and adopt different stages during their life cycle at school and college education levels to make it effective. The new policy replaces the previous National Policy on Education, 1986. This paper is based on NEP 2020 focuses on Higher Education (HE), background and emergence; to highlight vision, focus thrust areas and principle guidelines; and necessarily to bring out features, challenges ,impact on school ,higher education and merits demerits as well. Finally, they are emphasizing the need for planned, systematic and careful implementation of the policy. The formation of The National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) and the prominence of having foreign colleges in India are some major highlights that will reform and transform the education system which we have been following since the last three decades.

Classification-JEL : I21, I23  


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NationalEducationPolicy2020.https://www.mhrd.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/nep/ NEP_Final_English.pdf referred on 10/08/2020.

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How to Cite

Jain, P. K. (2021). A Critical Analysis of New Education Policy 2020 And It’s Future Implications. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 16(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.26703/JCT.v16i2-1



Research Paper