Role of Information Technology in Rural Development
Rural Development, Communication, Technology, Rural Health, Rural Education, Skill TrainingAbstract
The government of India has been giving high priority to rural development with the objective to achieve rural –urban integration in growth processes. The focus of development is to include disadvantaged sections of society i.e.,'equality in growth' and 'equality of opportunity’. This paper presents a review of the various study made by different investigators, researchers, and agencies regarding implications of ICT tools on rural societies of India, significance and role of ICT in rural development; rural community development and after knowing the observations made by various researcher, investigator and experts concluded that ICT play a major role in environmentally sustainable rural development and rural community development. ICTs have remarkable contribution towards improvement of economic and social development of societies in rural India. In developing country like India, to create information rich societies, to empower poor people, to reduce digital divide, sustainable development of rural community's dissemination of ICT in grassroots level of rural villages is necessary.
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