A Study on the APMC & Its Policies: Finding Challenges & Possible solutions to Overcome


  • Swati Tiwari Research Scholar, School of Commerce, Devi Ahilyabai Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9586-1713
  • Dr. L. K. Tripathi Dean-Student Welfare, Devi Ahilyabai Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore




Agricultural Marketing, APMC Markets, APMC Act, Agricultural Produce Market Committee


Agriculture is important for the economic growth of the country. Agriculture is completely different from industry and markets. It consists of several processes and activities to move raw material and nutriment from farm lands to end consumers. Hence, the marketing system must be effectively designed to provide farmers with the right rewards for their efforts that they deserve. Sadly, the middlemen get all the benefits in this process due to lack of awareness and mobility of poor farmers. Hence, the government has passed three important farm bills to improve the availability of farm produce to the buyers by enabling farmers to sell their produce without any stock limit or license. This way, farmers can get better prices with a rise in competition. De-regulation may not be efficient alone to get more buyers. It is important to ensure easy accessibility, transparency, and robust market for the farmers and buyers to ensure fair trade practices, according to the Standing Committee (2018-19). Most farmers cannot reach APMC markets and government facilities. This way, adequate infrastructure can be a great alternative for small markets to trade their agro-produce. This paper focuses on both farmers' problems and the benefits that new ordinances can bring. In addition, some valid suggestions will also be discussed to overcome the current issues of farmers in India when it comes to trade their produce.


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How to Cite

Tiwari, S., & Tripathi, L. K. (2020). A Study on the APMC & Its Policies: Finding Challenges & Possible solutions to Overcome. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 15(2), 21–29. https://doi.org/10.26703/jct.v15i2.4



Research Paper