A Cross-Sectional Study of Work From Home Arrangement on Job Satisfaction of the Employees of IT Companies


  • Money Kaushal Research Scholar, Department of Human Resource Management, Shobhit University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed to be University) Meerut (UP) India.


Work From Home Arrangement, Job Satisfaction, IT Sector, Covid-19, WHO


The objective of this study was to determine the impact of work-from-home arrangements (WFHA) on job satisfaction (JS) among workers of information technology enterprises. The precise sample size was determined using Slovin's sample size formula. A total of 348 respondents were picked from the information technology industry. The technique of convenience sampling was utilized. An exploratory and descriptive study approach was used. A well-designed, organized questionnaire schedule was used to examine the variables of inquiry, such as workfrom-home arrangements and job satisfaction. To determine the cause-and-effect connection between the independent variable WFHA and the dependent variable JS, correlation and enter method regression technique were employed. The survey findings demonstrated that WFHA had a substantial influence on JS among workers of information technology industry in the Bangalore/Bengaluru city of India. Based on the results, it can be finally concluded that the WFHA had a statistically significant impact on the JS of the employees in the Information Technology sector companies. Therefore, it was found that there is a strong link between working from home and job satisfaction. The work from home gives more quality time for the employees for
their families and the social obligations. This kind of job satisfaction resulted from the work from home concept helps in the work motivation and health of the employees in the Information Technology sector companies.


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How to Cite

Kaushal, M., & Kumar, A. (2023). A Cross-Sectional Study of Work From Home Arrangement on Job Satisfaction of the Employees of IT Companies. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 17(2), 38–42. Retrieved from https://jctindia.org/index.php/jct/article/view/564



Research Paper