Strategic Use of Green Energy for Sustainable Development: A Study of Cost Effectiveness of Solar Energy in Public Organisations
Green Energy, Solar Energy, ElectricityAbstract
Solar energy has been used in Indian organizations at a very slow pace. Then government of India has decided to aid consumers choosing to invest in solar in hopes of supporting “green energy” movement. Solar energy is clean and free of emission which is great for the environment. We have to select a size of a solar system in and optimum way to reduce the recurring cost of energy. In this paper we present a case study for implementing solar energy sources in order to meet an energy demand at C.C.S. University, Meerut with lowest cost. It would be beneficial to switch over to renewable energy source like solar, wind, tide and biomass. This study basically focuses on making use of solar energy as alternative source of energy. The objectives of the study are the consumption pattern of electric energy in C. C. S. University, Meerut; to study the effect of the use of solar energy in C. C. S. University, on cost of energy consumed and to study other benefits of solar energy at C. C. S. University campus, Meerut. The field of study is focused at C.C.S. University campus, Meerut and generalized findings and suggestion have been given based on the secondary data. The problem is formulated as to minimize the recurring annual expenditure of electric energy at C.C.S. University campus by use of solar energy.
Classification-JEL : D23, O13, Q42
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