Analysis of Indian Retail Market Before And After Recession of Indian Economy


  • Dr. P. K. Agarwal Director, Vidya International School of Business, Meerut.
  • Pradeep Kumar Assistant Professor, IIMT Professional College, Meerut, UP.
  • Swati Gupta Assistant Professor, IIMT Professional College, Meerut



Recession, Retail Brands, Economy, Inflation, Consumer Behaviour


Retail became a buzz word in India before recession; in fact the word ‘booming’ was found only attached to this sector. The recent few years gone by were packed with several significant developments for the Indian retail industry, including the entry of many global players, growing acceptance of the modern formats, the success of many speciality retail formats, and the rising competition in the regional markets beyond the metros and Tier 1 cities. But as recession took its toll 99% of sectors went for a toss including retail. The current slowdown is expected to last 12–18 months conditional on government incentives in increasing spends on infrastructure, development initiatives and other activities to stimulate the economy. This study focuses on comparison of Indian retail before recession & after recession. In this research we have analysed the effect of recession over different commodities in retailing based on some key parameters. Along with the study of effect this research paper also provides certain strategies which could be beneficial for the retailers in the long run. This study lime lights the strategies that the key players are planning to implement in order to recover from the ill-effect of recession.


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How to Cite

Agarwal, P. K., Kumar, P., & Gupta, S. (2011). Analysis of Indian Retail Market Before And After Recession of Indian Economy. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 6(1), 33–37.



Research Paper