Relevance of Value Education Through Content Areas

The Mula Mantra for Success


  • Dr. Suman Sharma Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, S.D. (PG) College, Ghaziabad


Value Education, Success, Teaching, Training of Teaching


Today, value education has become an integral part of our basic education. Each one of us must identify the values we want to live by. Values help us not only in self-evaluation, but in self-drive too. Value education is a systematic attempt towards human learning. All learning is subjective & self related. Knowledge can never be learned. Knowledge is the fruit of experience & experience is the sensation of the individual. Individual experience is an internal happening & is the function of awareness. And one of the process of knowing ourselves, of raising our awareness, is to be able to identify and clarity our values. Education in values is essential in helping each one of us directly encounter the values that we hold, understand them completely, so that we may order our relationships to the environment that lies outside us.


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Sen, A. (1990) On Ethics & Economics. New Delhi

Sharma, N. (1998) Value creators in education ; New Delhi : Regency publication

Ruhella, S.P. (Ed) (1986) ‘Human Values and education’; New Delhi Sterling Publishers.

Sharma O.P. (1997) Value education in action ; Delhi : University Book House.

Venkataian, N. (ed.) (1980) Value Education ; New Delhi: A PH Publishing Corporation.

Mukerjee, R.K (1969) ‘Social Structure of Values’; Delhi, S.Chand & Co.




How to Cite

Sharma, S. (2007). Relevance of Value Education Through Content Areas: The Mula Mantra for Success. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 2(2), 63–66. Retrieved from



Research Paper