Digital Technology: It's Role in Art Creativity


  • Archana Rani Head and Associate Professor, Department of Visaul Art, R G College, Meerut, UP



Digital Technology, Art Creativity, Contemporary, Computer, New Media, Art Dimension


The digital art is a rapidly accepted art form in the contemporary Indian art. This revolutionary concept has given a new dimension to art, sculptures and paintings. This art form is created by artists with the help of the digital technology and sometimes modified by computer software. It has created a subtle difference between design and art. Digital art is the outcome of two forces, human creativity and computer technology. Today, many young artists are creating technology based paintings. This trend exhibits the influence of digital media on human practices and the increasing diversity of art after the adaptation of modern technology. The digital revolution has been successful in bringing out new dimensions in contemporary art practices. Now, the term 'digital art' covers and displays many artistic endeavors, and it has become an art movement which is virtually transparent and extremely wide. Digital art is a filter which brings to light certain common points in a group of art works and distinguishes their characteristics on arts. Artists have accepted various technologies of printmaking, photography, film and video in bringing out pieces of fine art.


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How to Cite

Rani, A. (2018). Digital Technology: It’s Role in Art Creativity. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 13(2), 61–65.



Research Paper