Advertisement: A Significant Form of Mass Media




Advertisement, Commercial Art, Mass Media, Newspaper, Internet, Brands, Television


Media is extremely important as a medium for advertising from the perspective of information, entertainment and of course key business functions. Usually, media operates in two areas i.e., either mass or niche. Since newspapers, magazines, television and radio have a huge radius to deliver messages to audience they are mass media. Mass-media-coverage is always fruitful for advertisers and they make proper use of it as potential platforms to reach out to a large audience. From the perspective of advertising every mass media touch point has an essential role to play. In this rapid-changing world, advertisers and corporate know that to approach out to a diverse user base, brand-promotion cannot just rely on one or two mass media platforms. So, to do that, an integrated communication strategy is developed wherein various mass media platforms are made to orchestrate to achieve high impact brand and product promotion. Advertisers are constant seeker of fresh and innovative mass media platforms for advertising communication. Opting the right medium is based on the engagement quotient of the audience.
Classification-JEL : F11, A35


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How to Cite

Rani, A. (2020). Advertisement: A Significant Form of Mass Media. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 15(1), 65–72.



Research Paper