Role of Agro Based Industries in the Economic Development of Bulandshahr District




Agro Based Industries, Economic Development, Bulandshahr


Agriculture constitutes the backbone of Indian economy since it accounts for about 14 per cent of the nation's GDP and about 11 per cent of its export. Despite progressive industrialization, nearly half of the population of our country still relies on agriculture as its principal source of income. Not only this, the raw materials of a large number of industries also come from agriculture sector. The agro-processing industry in India plays a vital role in the national economic development and potential to meet the local needs as well as export requirements. Bulandshahr is primarily a religious city with many historical ruins, ancient temples, and ghats of river Ganga. Bulandshahr has been slow to urbanization yet there is no dearth of factories and manufacturing units that have contributed significantly to its economic development. Bulandshahr is gradually opening up to different service sectors especially IT and retail.
Classification-JEL : JEL-R14, S00


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How to Cite

Kumar, R. (2019). Role of Agro Based Industries in the Economic Development of Bulandshahr District. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 14(2), 48–53.



Research Paper