Review of Waste Management Models and Their Application
Solid Waste Management, CBA, LCA, MCDAAbstract
The purpose of this work is to review the types of models currently in use in the municipal waste management sector and highlight some of the main shortcomings of these models. Majority of the municipal waste models recognized in the literary work are decision aid models and, for the purposes of this research, they are divided into three categories: those based on the cost-benefit ratio analysis, those based on life cycle assessment and those based on multi-criteria decision-making. Current waste Management models which taken into consideration of the paper are related to the refinement of the assessment phases rather than addressing the decision making process itself. Likewise, for a waste administration model to be practical and sustainable, it should think about ecological, financial and social viewpoints, No model examined considered all three aspects together in applying the model.
Classification-JEL: E63, F18
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