A Study on Buying Intentions of Rural Families towards Durable Goods


  • K. Arul Rajan Lecturer-Selection Grade, PSG Institute of Management, Tamil Nadu.
  • Dr. R. Nandagopal Director, PSG Institute of Management, Tamil Nadu.




Rural Marketing, Buying Behaviour, Structured Equation Model


The Indian rural market offers plethora of opportunities to durable product manufactures. This paper aims at an empirical research of rural customers in buying intentions of durable goods and particularly to determine the factors influencing the purchase of two wheelers. Underlying the research are a set of hypothesis that have been formulated to include determinants referring to social norms, perceived utility and information search. These hypotheses form the basis of this research and are empirically tested by means of structured equation modeling using PLS software. The results identify social norms as the strongest drivers of buying intentions for purchase of durable products in rural areas.


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How to Cite

Rajan, K. A., & Nandagopal, R. (2010). A Study on Buying Intentions of Rural Families towards Durable Goods. Journal of Commerce and Trade, 5(1), 115–120. https://doi.org/10.26703/jct.v5i1.382



Research Paper